The Hell Week


It has been…

I’m coming off of the first 50% of the worst assignment I’ve ever held.

This assignment has combined the worst features of my assignment in Gynecologic Oncology (eg. frenzy, stress, overload, despair) with the worst features of my jobs this past summer at Angelos (eg.

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RANT PT. 2: What follows.


Evaporation, right?

It’s funny how you have to work for years sometimes to discover what’s been true from day one.

I’m giving up on this novel.

For now at least.

Not for good, I hope.

You see, in order to continue writing after I’ve been pulled away by other commitments for so long, I’ve had to go back an reread the three-hundred pages written in the two years I’d worked on the novel’s second revision.

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Old Space



Draw a dot.

Draw a ring around the dot.

Draw a slash through the ring and through the dot.

Divide the thing and fill it in with red or blue or green,

and cut it up into pie slices and eat them every one,

and run your pinky on the edge until you feel the groove,

then tighten, tighten, tighten until the core doesn’t move.

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I met Pam on the corner of 31st and Union (700 W), circa 10 PM last night, after walking down Archer to Chinatown, sitting for an hour, rereading Urbàntasm, sipping Green Tea and Hong Kong coffee, and chewing Pork and Shrimp Dumpling Soup, on the way home.

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