Music Playlist Available for Urbantasm, Book 2: The Empty Room


Billie Holiday’s music helped inspire Urbantasm, Book 2: The Empty Room, including her 1940 and 1957 renditions of “Body and Soul.”


Readers and reviewers noted, to my great delight, that music was a constant presence in Urbantasm, Book One: The Dying City.  There’s music in the background, music in the foreground, and it shapes the characters lives and the action on the page.  I had a lot of fun putting together YouTube and Spotify playlists for that book, and just as much fun following up with playlists for Book Two.

Playlist for Urbantasm, Book Two: The Empty Room

I wanted to get an objective take on this side project, so I tapped Michael Absher, one of Flint’s most beloved DJs.  He writes:

As someone who has a more than passing acquaintance with eclectic music mixes, I was knocked out by how this playlist bounds around the stylistic landscape without a misstep. If this is the soundtrack, I want to see the movie.

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