Hey: I’m famous. / The score tonight.


The Flint Journal: Tiger tales, far and wide.

Bottom of the second page. I’m certainly the lightweight of the sites they talk about, but I have to admit it was flattering to be included.

“It’s not really that big a deal, because we’re not expected to do anything. So if we don’t do anything, well, we weren’t supposed to. And if we do, we’ll turn heads.”
– Nate Robertson on his sudden batting career tonight.

Every time Robertson has pitched recently, it’s made me nervous. I don’t hate the guy; he just seems inconsistent. Also, after Game 1 against the Yankees, he said something about not doing that bad, roughly after having surrendered 5 runs on one trip through the batting order. That’s the kind of observation that doesn’t just warn of inconsistency but of applying an unrealistic glow of euphemism. And tonight he’s batting. But at least he seems to be down to earth about it.

On the other end of the equation the Free Press’ John Lowe is arguing that a combination of Pudge and History will be the key to unlocking Chris Carpenter. While I’m optimistic as always, I was hoping for some more robust reassurrance. We’ll see how it goes.

If a couple of you are here because you read about Blue Skies Falling in the Flint Journal, I talk about that some here. A sports blog this is not…

I have vivid memories of the 1984 freakout I witnessed on Hastings / Glendale / Commonwealth. I was six, surrounded by Teslars, Spencers, Lameres, and others. This was in Flint’s East Village, and I’d never seen so many dads go so nuts. Seven years later I played a summer of Little League in which I managed to fail at deep right and made it to home maybe twice. My team didn’t win a single game, which officially made me the worst player on the worst team. But it was all exuberant and fun, and I picked up the bug again in 2003 when I lived in Chicago and the Cubs fans (I dislike the Cubs, myself) were getting worked up over their own postseason. That October, I bought a Tigers cap and started reading the Free Press sports page. If I have the right to brag about anything, it’s that. In 2003, even that hat had given up; it was marked down to about $4 at Meijers.

And that’s why I’m writing all this right now.


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