Oculine 23, 31.


The profs of our great university
Display the most striking diversity:
Some wise and some foolish,
Some saintly, some ghoulish,
And some of the utmost perversity.

– Who said this?

Write a limerick.

11 thoughts on “Oculine 23, 31.”

  1. I've a squatter in my house who is gimmicky,
    and when he sees me he gets finicky.
    He'll stand and he'll stare
    and he's rude without care
    and all of his movements are mimicky.

  2. Our girl has a stupid school teacher.
    As parents we never can reach her.
    She gives out detention
    But not much attention,
    A remarkably unpleasant creature.

    Ha! Thanks Connor, that felt good.

  3. Catherine Coyne

    There was a flute teacher from Cheshire,
    Whose students would keel under pressure,
    Would mess up their exam,
    Make the whole thing a sham,
    Cos they forget to start from the first measure!

  4. At work I was thought too particular
    For eschewing parts too irregular
    But they really got sore
    When GM shut the door
    Of so many factories vehicular


  5. Cyril Bibby;
    "The Art of the Limerick"?

    BTW, I love your reflective limerick.


  6. These are all great. I should come up with a collection of "Blue Skies Falling limericks."

  7. Everyone intimidates me, but here is my contribution:

    At work when a big power outage
    Means loss of our techie appendage
    We wander the hallways –
    Meand'ring castaways
    A sadly bereft techNO montage.

  8. Here's an old one of mine:

    A pious young man from Beirut
    Hurt his foot on a gnarly tree root.
    So prayed all the day
    For a boon of BenGay
    And was granted a male prostitute.

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